Monday, October 5, 2020

Opportunities In Disappointments


"What are the OPPORTUNITIES that I have right now, that are in my life,...because of my DISAPPOINTMENTS?" I cued it up, if you want to hear it for yourself. I thought this was such a good question from Steven Furtick. I generally try to keep a good perspective on the ups and downs of life, but this gave me just another way to frame it, so I had to share.  Have a good week good people.

Saturday, August 29, 2020


 Chadwick Boseman passed from cancer on August 28th, 2020 at age 43.  His death and his life resonated with me. Below is a clip that I found powerful and I thought I would share my thoughts. 

"Throughout filming I was communicating with them knowing that they were both terminal...what they said to me, what their parents said is that they're trying to hold on 'til this movie comes. "

This was after Chadwick was diagnosed, but he was reminded of the impact of how he spent his time and life could still have in the face of uncertainty. His character King T'Challa, shouted "Yibambe" which (from what I've learned) in X'osha means "Hold the Line" or "Hold Strong" and knowing the importance of his role, I believe that's what he was trying to do. 

I've found that at times someone's passing can be overwhelming, even as we know death is a part of life.  What I'm most overwhelmed by is the impact people can have on others while living...and many times not even know it.  It doesn't even have to be big, It can be as simple as a smile, a sincere "how are you," or just the energy and spirit in which we engage with others daily. 

No matter what it is, I think so much of it starts with love, compassion, and understanding- understanding which sometimes just means acknowledging that "I don't understand" or don't know, but above all recognizing what we choose to do with our time and our lives always has an impact on others.  I'll keep working on myself and my time, in the meantime...Yibambe!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Life Lessons And Lemonade

For my birthday this year, I released my first book, Life Lessons & Lemonade. It’s a story and coloring book technically for kids but practically, the lessons are timeless, no matter your age.
Exclusive Signed Editions and swag are available through my Etsy shop-20% off with the code LEMONADE20 (2 or more items.)
You can also find it on Amazon. Love and Respect!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Life Lesson Learned...Lemonade Expert?

Here's my first video to document the process of becoming a "Lemonade" Expert.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Rain Falls and the BrainStorms....

As Drake says "Working on the weekend, like usual."  4:47am on a rainy Easter Sunday morning as I type this post. I just wanted to document some of the process leading up to the release of my "long awaited" first book. If I'm the only one who waited that's cool too. :)

Up early brainstorming ideas for a promo video/trailer for the book, Life Lessons and Lemonade.  Trying trying to decide between an animated or live action version...decisions, decision...
What do you think I should do?