Sunday, August 18, 2024

Getting Stronger

 Whoever thought you might have to take few steps back in order to take just one step forward...but in the right direction? This past year has been tough and there have been some real questions about whether or not I could really achieve my dreams or even just some of the projects that I've had in my head for years.

Those questions might still be valid, but at some point I just said, I'm going to try and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work out. But I do know this, any time I try to work out or make something work out, I'll always end up stronger in the end because of the experience. No pain No Gain.

I have few irons in the fire, but I'm learning to focus. I am excited about developing a Meditation and Affirmation business. Inspiration, Wellness, Mental and Physical Health are all in my wheel house and so Zenjiro Shanti  was born. "Zenjiro" means Abundance in Japanese and Shanti means Peace in Sanskrit. Abundance and Peace. Abundant Peace.

It's still early in it's development but it's here now:

Goals by Dec 31, 2024

Get under 215 lbs. Currently at 228, down from my highest of 247-May of 2024

Publish at least 2 new School Kid Music Videos

Run an ad campaign for  Zenjiro Shanti and analyze the results

Let's keep the momentum going. We got this.