Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Perfect For Now Part II

 "Don't let the endless pursuit of perfection keep you from actually publishing. Sometimes there's something called 'Perfect For Now. ' " - Old Man at the Gym

This is a concept that I'm learning to embrace more and more. Of course, we strive for excellence and perfection in our published and public works, but there will inevitably be corrections, oversights, and especially new ideas that if we let them, could keep the "finished" product stuck on our computer, canvas, or in our mind, right up until our death bed. That's not to mention the fear of criticism, other's opinions, or failure.  Yeah, it's a lot for a Wednesday and kind of heavy, but maybe worth stating.. So, here's just a draft of a project that was stuck in my head for years, far from from a finished product, but I don't know if I'll do more with it later. Been playing with AI for storyboarding, so I figured I'd share. Maybe it's helpful to hear, maybe not. I just know  I've met  a lot of elderly people, who in their 40's and 50's falsely accepted that it was too late to do the things they  always wanted to do. They always say they regretted not taking more risks. And maybe that's ok for some. But like the girl said "Ok well that's you. But on the other hand, me? I'm finna turn up."  😁
Have  good day good people.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Progress Not Perfection


Captain's Log. Star date August, 2nd 2023 @ 3:54am ET

Progress Not Perfection. That's my theme for now. Just like the scene from equalizer. Have you seen that movie? Not the TV show, but the movie. Denzel Washington's character, Robert says to the trainee after hearing some suspicious sounding crunches in his sandwich....Ahh, rather than  me doing a terrible job of explaining it, 😅 Go see for yourself.

So I was searching for my own Blog and I found this guy as the top result. What do you mean I'm not number one? lol

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Imagine If You Will...

 Imagine if you will, being on your death bed.

And standing around your bed,

the ghosts of  the ideas, the dreams,  the abilities, the talents given to you by life.

And there they are standing around your bed,  looking at you with large angry eyes.

Saying “We came to you! And only you could have given us life!”

The question is,

If you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents? What Gifts will die with you?

                                                                                                                -    Less Brown

A Post I meant to Create A Week Ago

 This is a picture of a plan to achieve some goals that I created on 5/16/2023. 

That's it.

 For Now.